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Paperback Royalty

When someone buys your paperback through Amazon or an Expanded Distribution channel and a new copy is manufactured to fulfill that order, you receive a royalty.

How we calculate paperback royalties

Amazon distribution channelsExpanded Distribution channels
KDP offers a fixed 60% royalty rate on paperbacks sold on Amazon marketplaces where KDP supports paperback distribution. Your royalty is 60% of your list price. We then subtract printing costs, which depend on trim size, page count, ink type, and the Amazon marketplace your paperback was ordered from. Learn how printing costs are calculated.

(Royalty rate x list price) – printing costs = royalty

For example, your list price is $15. Your book is a 333-page regular trim size paperback with black ink sold on the US marketplace:

(0.60 x $15) - $5.00 = $4.00
If you enable Expanded Distribution, the royalty is 40% of the book's list price effective in the distribution channel at the time of purchase minus printing costs.

(Royalty rate x list price) – printing costs = royalty

For example, your list price is $15. Your book is a 333-page regular trim size paperback with black ink sold through Expanded Distribution channels:

(0.40 x $15) - $5.00 = $1.00

To estimate your printing cost and paperback royalty, use our calculator. You can also see your estimated royalty under the Royalty & Pricing section of the Paperback Rights & Pricing tab. Royalties will also show in your reports as your paperbacks are shipped to customers. Royalties for Expanded Distribution units will display approximately 30 days after the end of the month in which the sales occurred.

List prices

The list price is the price you enter on KDP's pricing page. Amazon uses the list price to list your book and calculate your paperback royalties. In certain marketplaces, Amazon will add the local Value Added Tax (VAT), Goods and Services Tax (GST) or consumption tax to the list price you provide and customers will see an adjusted price including the applicable tax. 

KDP uses a minimum list price to ensure the royalties you earn are always enough to cover the cost to print your book. The minimum list price is calculated based on your book's printing cost. You can set the price of your paperback above the minimum threshold up to a maximum of 250 USD (Amazon.com), 350 CAD (Amazon.ca), 250 EUR (Amazon.de, Amazon.es, Amazon.fr, Amazon.it, and Amazon.nl), 250 GBP (Amazon.co.uk), 350 AUD (Amazon.com.au), 30,000 JPY (Amazon.co.jp), 1,200 PLN (Amazon.pl), or 2,500 SEK (Amazon.se).

A customer might buy your book at a discounted price that's lower than your list price due to promotions, but it won't affect your royalties.

How we calculate printing costs

Printing cost depends on which Amazon marketplace (website) your paperback was ordered from. It also depends on page count and ink type. Trim size, bleed settings, and cover finish don't affect printing cost.

Learn more about how paperback printing costs are calculated.

How taxes are calculated

Learn more about tax withholding.

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