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Historical Report

These reports allow you to view historical sales and KU data up to the month of the most recently released Prior Months' Royalty report. The historical report includes three charts and one table, which you can customize to show different data for different time periods. To customize the report, click on the drop-down menus at the top of the page. This allows you to filter by marketplace, author, title, and time period.

Kindle Edition Normalized Pages (KENP) Read graph

This graph shows you the total number of Kindle Edition Normalized Pages (KENP) read for your selected title(s) in your chosen time period. The Kindle Unlimited program has been available since July 2015, so no KENP data is available before this month.

Royalties Earned table

This table shows your royalties earned from sales and KENP read of your titles during your selected time period.

How to generate a detailed historical report

To see a detailed historical report, click Generate Report at the bottom of the page. This report contains a monthly breakdown of sales, and KU for the selected filters. Here's a summary of the columns you'll see in the report:


ColumnWhat you'll see in it
TitleYour book title
ASINAmazon Standard Identification Number
Units SoldUnits of title sold in the current month
Units RefundedUnits of title refunded in the current month
Net Units SoldUnits Sold less Units Refunded
Kindle Edition Normalized Pages (KENP) ReadPages of your book read for the first time by customers through Kindle Unlimited (Abonnement Kindle in France).
Free Units-PromoNumber of free units sold during a KDP Select scheduled free promotion. 0 (zero) means either this book is not enrolled in KDP Select OR no free promotion campaign was run OR no free books were sold. Note: No royalties are due for free units sold during a KDP Select scheduled free promotion. See the KDP Select Terms and Conditions for details.
Free Units-Price MatchNumber of free units sold while a book is made available for free due to matching a competitor's free promotion. 0 (zero) means this book did not have free units sold. Note: No royalties are due for free units sold due to matching a competitor's free promotion. See the Pricing Page for details.

To learn how royalty payments are calculated, please review the Pricing Page and Terms & Conditions.

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